Private application for KeralaVision Local Cable Operators (LCOs). Access limited to the companies registered on Multiple LCOs can be linked to each company. This application helps the KeralaVision Operators to generate monthly invoices and manage monthly collection by different agents. The Customer data CRFs and usage statistics are synced from the KCCL SMS server directly. Companies have the option to create Areas and Sub-Areas(routes) and group the customers according to the collection route. You can add the ID of your customers, current outstanding balance etc to each CRF by bulk import in the CBill server. You also have the option to re-arrange the collection order of the customers by simple drag and drop.On every new bill creation date, all customers will be under UNPAID tab in Billing and will be moved to PAID tab on successful collection. The UNBILLED boxes are also listed with the reason. Annual/Term payments are also taken care of.Features:Company Login with multiple LCOs Complete Customer DetailsCustomer Nickname SupportedBoth CRF & Customer ID Supported Filter by Area & Sub-Area List by Collection orderCustomer GPS markingNear-by Customer List STBs Barcode Scan Monthly Invoice GenerationUnpaid, Paid, Unbilled tabsMultiple Collection Agents Receipt GenerationBluetooth Printer ConnectivityCollection Day BookCash-in-hand of Agents Agent Cash Remittance historyCustomer Support Request CreationReminder Creation Synchronization with SMS serverLive data update to CBill ServerSupport Offline Usage